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Building Defect Inspection

Building Inspections Sydney. Call, 1300 955 011. Our Building Inspections report can be used to detect Building structural defects, particularly following… Read More »

Pest Inspection

Pest Inspection Sydney service in Adelaide encompasses hunting down the vicious species that live in underground nests sheltering millions of… Read More »

Strata Report

A Strata report is a must if you are purchasing a unit/villa with Strata Management . This inspection should be… Read More »

Delapidation Report

Dilapidation Reports are specifically aimed at property owners and developers as part of a Development Application. (D.A) concerned about the… Read More »

Building Inspections

Building Inspections Sydney. Call, 1300 955 011. Our Building Inspections report can be used to detect Building structural defects, particularly following renovations or general building work. Ease your concerns by letting Building Inspections Melbourne, go through your building with a fine tooth comb. Unlike other Building inspections Adelaide address each individual component of the building from floor to ceiling.

Building Inspections Sydney, will examine

Sub Floor Inspection

  • Unseen and rising damp sub floor soil.
  • Broken or damaged drainage pipes.
  • Wooden off cuts/wreckage – encouraging termite infestation.
  • Rotten Wooden stumps.
  • Irregular (plumb) and broken stumps, disproportionate stuffing of stumps.
  • Decayed flooring and frames under soaked areas (bathrooms/laundry).

Roof Area Inspection

  • Frame disconnection, breakdown and decay.
  • Termite/Borer harm to wooden frame.
  • Insulation inspection.
  • Oxidation/corrosion of roof cladding.
  • Unsatisfactory support for roof’s weight.

Other issues to understand whilst Building Inspections routine:

Safety concerns/hazards

  • Raised deck and gazebo security issue.
  • Tree’s overgrown branches.
  • Rotten fencing and any potential collapse issues are inspected during the house inspection.

Wall cladding

  • Exterior wall cladding for any irregularity, major cracking.
  • Disproportionate gap between the window frames caused by continuous footings/wall movement.
  • Constant rise in wetness.
  • Major irregularity and cracks may point out a noteworthy issue with the footings of the residence which may require underpinning mechanism. Underpinning is supposed be the last resort after all other options have expired.

Internal floor levels

  • Jagged floors may indicate footings issues and re-stumping may be necessary.
  • On slab dwellings bumpy floors may specify extreme cracking of the slab footing which will be expensive repair ordeal.
  • Sometimes an uneven floor may just specify that the home was not leveled sufficiently and may not cause any key structural issue.

Window frame rot

  • Window frame decay may occur with poor maintenance.
  • Any fungal decomposition (rot) of wood should be removed as this is favors termite infestation and also further worsening of the structure.
  • Fractured window panes require replacement for safety reasons.

Gutters, downpipes

  • sewer waste build up will cause corrosion and impending leakage.
  • Down pipes are sometimes not linked to rain water drainage in old homes Adelaide.
  • Any surplus water in the region of the home can be the reason rising damp problems, which is conducive to termite influx and may cause movement cracking in walls over time due to surplus water breach into the footings.


  • It is essential that water does not accumulate around the bottom of the home walls and that all drains are correctly attached to respective drainage pipes.
  • Surface water should be aimed away from the domicile which is assessed in our House Inspection service. Again, this may be the origin footings movement over time, is conducive to termite infestation and can cause rising damp and fungal decay.


  • We examine for any leaking tap heads, traps, shower wall and base tiles during the house inspection in Gold Coast.
  • Shower tile leaking is frequent in older and vacant homes which should be habitually inspected to be professionally re-sealed.
  • Shower tap flanges and tap wall penetrations should all be sealed to stop water admission into the wall cavity to avoid damp related problems and decay.
  • Leaking bathrooms into the sub floor is an area frequent for termite invasion due to their liking for damp, dark and moist environment.

Internal Building Inspections, Sydney

  • ABC Building inspections Brisbane checks functioning and state of all doors, window frames and panes, cupboards. We also observe damaged carpets, scuffed walls, patched walls and ceilings, cracking of walls and ceilings, uneven floor levels, rising damp down to the inconsequential issues of range hood and gas cooking appliances. Smoke alarms and flyscreens.

Call ABC on 1300 955 011


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